Sunday, January 2, 2011

January 2nd.

So, Technically I wanted to start on the first. But due to laziness and busy shopping. I was not able to bake anything like I planned. So one part of this Blog I planned for was to bake once a day and blog about it and provide pictures of what comes out of the recipe.
I baked two today, I chose box Jello and half pre-made half home made Cherry Pie.
I took Strawberry Kiwi and Cranberry. I took a cookie cutter and cut out circles and placed whip cream on top to make a fast, but nicely done decorated. I shall place a picture to show.
Due to having a left over pre-made pie crust from x-mas pumpkin pie. I purchased two cans of lite cherries and made my own pie crust for a top. I fluted the top with flower cutters and added holly leaf cuts on top.  I do not have a picture of it yet, but I plan to put one on here. Its not much for my first post, but I plan to up my work. 
Please Enjoy a nice day, and Comments are help full. 
Renna Fox 8 D